How I use Linked In

When I first joined linked in, I didn’t join any groups and just added key contacts, but over the last few months I have changed my approach and discovered the true value of linked in. I am now in 50 groups, some which a flit in and out of, when I join I always contribute with comments, discussion items and polls. When I see other group members I would like to meet I generally invite them to link in to me.

Recently I have discovered that putting your e mail address in your header information helps and people who would like to contact you can then make contact.

I know that Linked In say you shouldn’t connect to people you don’t know, but that seems crazy to me, when I go networking I don’t say I am not talking to you because I don’t know you. I believe making contact with people you don’t know gives you a chance to make new contacts, if you later don’t want to be associated with them you can delete them.

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